Space is a major factor when deciding where to plant a tree. Trees that are given ample space for growth to their mature size are healthier and require less maintenance. Common problems associated with improperly placed trees include power outages, buckled sidewalks and driveways, and obstructed views of traffic. Deciduous shade trees should be planted on the south and west
Here are some valuable resources that can help local governments with urban forestry: Growing Texas: a community handbook is a resource to help maintain sense of place and quality of life as your city grows. Urban Forestry Management planning is a key component of a sustainable community forestry program. Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) Planning Guide, a resource and workbook that helps plan
The Dallas Urban Forest Master Plan Team is looking for inspiring images of urban trees in Dallas that portray the connection between trees and people. A selection of winning photographs will be published in the Urban Forest Master Plan. Th contest is open until April 30, 2020. Visit the contest page to learn more. The Urban Forest Master Plan, a
CAN YOU FEEL IT? Average daily high temperatures during 2011’s warm months D Magazine LOCAL NEWS >> Article: A Reminder That Trees Can Help Save Dallas A pair of new reports show just how important a role trees play in mitigating climate change. BY MATT GOODMAN PUBLISHED IN FRONTBURNER AUGUST 12, 2019 11:37 AM Nearly two years ago, writer Dan
To Protect and Defend Oh, how happy we should be, That we have shade under a tree. Shade that reduces bills, And also produces chills. We can’t relax, We’ve been given this task. To protect and defend, Just like a dear friend. Oh how grateful we should be, For the oxygen that we breathe. Trees produce that you
Nomination Form Everyday Hero Award Awarded to an individual with outstanding community service who has demonstrated leadership in a project or organization and has shown exceptional dedication to improving the urban forests of Texas. Excellence in Education Award Awarded to an individual, organization, or agency that has done the most in the past year to advance Urban Forestry Education