About our Partner:
The mission of the Texas Tree Trails program is to find, locate, recognize, measure, photograph and present the importance of these botanical, historical and cultural treasures and to preserve their presence for future generations. We plan to accomplish this by presenting this data on a web site with “virtual tours”, highlighted by promotions and publications as we gather data on all significant trees in or near the DFW area. Our aim is to educate the public by showcasing various types of area significant trees plus development of “tree trails” within the program region.
The program adequately addresses a plan for “health care of our regional tree inventory” by instilling the idea of “acknowledgement and adoption” by our citizens to provide for the current and future integrity of significant trees. Once the concept is adequately realized, we plan to expand its boundaries by encouraging participation from all larger cities within the state. As an educational group, we hope to instill in the public a sense of pride and ownership in our region’s natural treasures by building a steadily growing, knowledgeable and an informed grassroots force dedicated to preserve and protect our trees.